De Aromatherapie Literatuur Database selecteert wetenschap en boeken over plantenextracten en hun toepassingen in de aromatherapie.
Aromatherapie Literatuur Database
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Achillea millefolium (1)agitation (1)Alzheimer (2)anti-inflammatory (2)antidepressant (2)anxiety (3)anxiolytic (1)arthritis (2)Asteraceae (1)astrocytes (2)Bergamot (5)bisabolol (2)Boswellia (2)Calendula (2)Calophyllum inophyllum (4)camphor (2)Candeia (2)carrier oil (1)chromatography (1)cineole (4)Citrus (2)coumarins (7)COVID (11)Cycnoches (1)dementia (4)depression (2)dermatology (2)diabetes (1)drug delivery (1)EDS (1)Eremanthus (1)estragole (2)Eucalyptus (4)gewrichten (1)Ginger (2)gingerols (1)Lavandula (22)Lavender (23)Levisticum (2)Melaleuca (1)Mentha (3)MSA (1)nerolidol (1)Nigella (3)Ocimum (2)olfaction (1)oncology (1)Orchidaceae (1)Origanum (2)osmophores (1)pain (1)palliative care (6)pinocamphone (1)piperine (2)psoriasis (1)quality of life (1)Rosa (4)Rosa damascena (1)seizure (2)serotonin (1)skin (7)skin injury (1)sleep (6)spieren (1)Stanhopea (1)stress (2)Tea tree (3)Teucrium (2)thujone (1)Thymus (8)toxicity (4)wound healing (2)Yarrow (1)Ylang-ylang (2)Zingiber (2)
721 documenten in de database
Zoeken op woord(en): Lavandula
Zoeken op trefwoord(en): Lavandula
22 resultaten
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Emadikhalaf, M., Ghods, A. A., Sotodeh-asl, N., Mirmohamadkhani, M., & Vaismoradi, M. (2023). Effects of Rose and Lavender Scent on Nurses’ Job Stress: A Randomized Controlled Trial. EXPLORE.
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Geciteerd in 1 Aroma Blog artikelKaratopuk, S., & Yarıcı, F. (2023). Determining the effect of inhalation and lavender essential oil massage therapy on the severity of perceived labor pain in primiparous women: A randomized controlled trial. EXPLORE, 19(1), 107–114.
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Dobros, N., Zawada, K. D., & Paradowska, K. (2022). Phytochemical Profiling, Antioxidant and Anti‑Inflammatory Activity of Plants Belonging to the Lavandula Genus. Molecules, 28(1), 256.
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Ghavami, T., Kazeminia, M., & Rajati, F. (2022). The effect of lavender on stress in individuals: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 68, 102832.
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Geciteerd in 3 Aroma Blog artikelsHawkins, J., Hires, C., Dunne, E., & Keenan, L. (2022). Prevalence of endocrine disorders among children exposed to Lavender Essential Oil and Tea Tree Essential Oils. International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 9(2), 117–124.
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Luo, J., & Jiang, W. (2022). A critical review on clinical evidence of the efficacy of lavender in sleep disorders. Phytotherapy Research, 36(6), 2342–2351.
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Sazawa, K., Kawada, S., & Ogawa, Y. (2022). Effects of nighttime lavender aromatherapy on mood and physiological indices of stress in healthy young females. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 34(7), 503–508.
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Geciteerd in 1 Aroma Blog artikelEsra Ardahan Akgül, Atiye Karakul, Asiye Altın, Pınar Doğan, Münevver Hoşgör, & Akgün Oral (2021). Effectiveness of lavender inhalation aromatherapy on pain level and vital signs in children with burns: a randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 60, Article 102758.
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Firoozeei, T. S., Feizi, A., Rezaeizadeh, H., Zargaran, A., Roohafza, H. R., & Karimi, M. (2021). The antidepressant effects of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.): A systematic review and meta‑analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 59, Article 102679.
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Geciteerd in 2 Aroma Blog artikelsZahra Karimzadeh, Mansooreh Azizzadeh Forouzi, Elham Rahiminezhad, Mehdi Ahmadinejad, & Mahlagha Dehghan (2021). The Effects of Lavender and Citrus aurantium on Anxiety and Agitation of the Conscious Patients in Intensive Care Units: A Parallel Randomized Placebo‑Controlled Trial. BioMed Research International, 2021, Article 5565956.
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Kazeminia, Mohsen, Abdi, Alireza, Vaisi-Raygani, Aliakbar, Jalali, Rostam, Shohaimi, Shamarina, Daneshkhah, Alireza, Salari, Nader, & Mohammadi, Masoud (2020). The Effect of Lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.) on Reducing Labor Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta‑Analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2020, 1–11.
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Nasiri Lari, Z., Hajimonfarednejad, M., Riasatian, M., Abolhassanzadeh, Z., Iraji, A., Vojoud, M., Heydari, M., & Shams, M. (2020). Efficacy of inhaled Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Essential oil on sleep quality, quality of life and metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus type II and insomnia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 251, Article 112560.
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Samuelson, R., Lobl, M., Higgins, S., Clarey, D., & Wysong, A. (2020). The Effects of Lavender Essential Oil on Wound Healing: A Review of the Current Evidence. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 26(8), 680–690.
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Geciteerd in 1 Aroma Blog artikelSurya, M., Zuriati, Z., & Poddar, S. (2020). Nursing aromatherapy using lavender with rose essence oil for post‑surgery pain management. Enfermería Clínica, 30, 171–174.
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Donelli, D., Antonelli, M., Bellinazzi, C., Gensini, G. F., & Firenzuoli, F. (2019). Effects of lavender on anxiety: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Phytomedicine, 65, Article 153099.
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Geciteerd in 5 Aroma Blog artikelsRatajc, P. (2019). The potential hormone disrupting effects of lavender and tea tree oil: The current state of research in light of a new study. ...
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Mushtaq, Aamir, Anwar, Rukhsana, & Ahmad, Mobasher (2018). Lavandula stoechas (L) a Very Potent Antioxidant Attenuates Dementia in Scopolamine Induced Memory Deficit Mice. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9.
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Mori, H. M., Kawanami, H., Kawahata, H., & Aoki, M. (2016). Wound healing potential of lavender oil by acceleration of granulation and wound contraction through induction of TGF‑β in a rat model. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 16(1).
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Schuwald, A. M., Nöldner, M., Wilmes, T., Klugbauer, N., Leuner, K., & Müller, W. E. (2013). Lavender Oil‑Potent Anxiolytic Properties via Modulating Voltage Dependent Calcium Channels. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e59998.
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Duan, X., Tashiro, M., Wu, D., Yambe, T., Wang, Q., Sasaki, T., Kumagai, K., Luo, Y., Nitta, S., & Itoh, M. (2007). Autonomic nervous function and localization of cerebral activity during lavender aromatic immersion. Technology and Health Care, 15(2), 69–78.
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Geciteerd in 3 Aroma Blog artikelsCavanagh, H. M. A., & Wilkinson, J. M. (2002). Biological activities of Lavender essential oil. Phytotherapy Research, 16(4), 301–308.
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Mushtaq, Aamir, Anwar, Rukhsana, Gohar, Umar Farooq, Ahmad, Mobasher, Marc (Vlaic), Romina Alina, Mureşan, Crina Carmen, Irimie, Marius, & Bobescu, Elena Biomolecular Evaluation of Lavandula stoechas L. for Nootropic Activity. Plants, 10(6), 1259.
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