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Zomerpromotie -20 EUR Video on-demand opleiding: Essentiële oliën aankopen: kwaliteit en duurzaamheid. Programma en boek
28 juni 2023 - bijgewerkt op 21 september 2023 door 
Citeer als: De Vuyst, G. (2023) Literatuurlijst aroma juni-sept. 2023. Aroma Blog. https://geertdevuyst.be/artikel/literatuurlijst-aroma-juni-sept-2023-e-book/

Literatuurlijst aroma juni-sept. 2023

Op deze pagina vind je de literatuurlijst voor editie juni-sept. 2023 van aroma, het educatief tijdschrift over essentiële oliën en aromatische planten in de aromatherapie en de fytotherapie.


Agero, A. L.,, & Verallo-Rowell, V. M. (2004). A Randomized Double‑Blind Controlled Trial Comparing Extra Virgin Coconut Oil with Mineral Oil as a Moisturizer for Mild to Moderate Xerosis. Dermatitis (formerly American Journal of Contact Dermatitis), 15(03), 109. https://doi.org/10.2310/6620.2004.04006
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El Mihyaoui, A., Esteves da Silva, J. C. G., Charfi, S., Candela Castillo, M. E., Lamarti, A., & Arnao, M. B. (2022). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.): A Review of Ethnomedicinal Use, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Uses. Life, 12(4), 479. https://doi.org/10.3390/life12040479
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Ellena, Jean-Claude, & Paillès, Lionel (2021). Petit lexique des amateurs épris d’odeurs et de parfums. Actes Sud. https://www.actes-sud.fr/catalogue/arts/petit-lex ...
Boek Frans Beginner
Evangelista, M. T., Abad-Casintahan, F., & Lopez-Villafuerte, L. (2014). The effect of topical virgin coconut oil on SCORAD index, transepidermal water loss, and skin capacitance in mild to moderate pediatric atopic dermatitis: a randomized, double‑blind, clinical trial. International Journal of Dermatology, 53(1), 100–108. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijd.12339
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Korać, R. R.,, & Khambholja, K. M. (2011). Potential of herbs in skin protection from ultraviolet radiation. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 5(10), 164. https://doi.org/10.4103/0973-7847.91114
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Lin, T. K., Zhong, L., & Santiago, J. L. (2018). Anti‑Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(1), 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19010070
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Mitoshi, M., Kuriyama, I., Nakayama, H., Miyazato, H., Sugimoto, K., Kobayashi, Y., Jippo, T., Kuramochi, K., Yoshida, H., & Mizushina, Y. (2014). Suppression of allergic and inflammatory responses by essential oils derived from herbal plants and citrus fruits. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 33(6), 1643–1651. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijmm.2014.1720
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Nasir, N. a. M., Abllah, Z., Jalaludin, A. A., Shahdan, I. A.,, & Manan, W. N. a. A. (2018). Virgin Coconut Oil and Its Antimicrobial Properties against Pathogenic Microorganisms: A Review. Proceedings of the International Dental Conference of Sumatera Utara 2017 (IDCSU 2017). https://doi.org/10.2991/idcsu-17.2018.51
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Poljšak, N.,, & Kočevar Glavač, N. (2022). Vegetable Butters and Oils as Therapeutically and Cosmetically Active Ingredients for Dermal Use: A Review of Clinical Studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.868461
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Shutes, J., & Siegmund-Roach, S. (2022). The Carrier Oil Palette. The School for Aromatic Studies. https://distillaromatics.com/products/the-carrier ...
Boek Engels Beginner
Silvério, M. S., Del-Vechio-Vieira, G., Pinto, M. A., Alves, M. S., & Sousa, O. V. (2013). Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Essential Oils of Eremanthus erythropappus (DC) McLeisch (Asteraceae). Molecules, 18(8), 9785–9796. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules18089785
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Verallo-Rowell, V. M., Dillague, K. M.,, & Syah-Tjundawan, B. S. (2008). Novel Antibacterial and Emollient Effects of Coconut and Virgin Olive Oils in Adult Atopic Dermatitis. Dermatitis, 19(6), 308–315.
Artikel Engels Opgeleid
Verallo-Rowell, V. M., Katalbas, S. S.,, & Pangasinan, J. P. (2016). Natural (Mineral, Vegetable, Coconut, Essential) Oils and Contact Dermatitis. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 16(7). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11882-016-0630-9
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Geert De Vuyst - Opleidingen en Workshops


Ik ben Geert. Ik geef opleidingen over essentiële oliën en toepassingen van de aroma-fytotherapie.

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