De Aromatherapie Literatuur Database selecteert wetenschap en boeken over plantenextracten en hun toepassingen in de aromatherapie.
Aromatherapie Literatuur Database
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Achillea millefolium (1)agitation (1)Alzheimer (2)anti-inflammatory (2)antidepressant (2)anxiety (3)anxiolytic (1)arthritis (2)Asteraceae (1)astrocytes (2)Bergamot (5)bisabolol (2)Boswellia (2)Calendula (2)Calophyllum inophyllum (4)camphor (2)Candeia (2)carrier oil (1)chromatography (1)cineole (4)Citrus (2)coumarins (7)COVID (11)Cycnoches (1)dementia (4)depression (2)dermatology (2)diabetes (1)drug delivery (1)EDS (1)Eremanthus (1)estragole (2)Eucalyptus (4)gewrichten (1)Ginger (2)gingerols (1)Lavandula (22)Lavender (23)Levisticum (2)Melaleuca (1)Mentha (3)MSA (1)nerolidol (1)Nigella (3)Ocimum (2)olfaction (1)oncology (1)Orchidaceae (1)Origanum (2)osmophores (1)pain (1)palliative care (6)pinocamphone (1)piperine (2)psoriasis (1)quality of life (1)Rosa (4)Rosa damascena (1)seizure (2)serotonin (1)skin (7)skin injury (1)sleep (6)spieren (1)Stanhopea (1)stress (2)Tea tree (3)Teucrium (2)thujone (1)Thymus (8)toxicity (4)wound healing (2)Yarrow (1)Ylang-ylang (2)Zingiber (2)
721 documenten in de database
Zoeken op woord(en): Bergamot
Zoeken op trefwoord(en): Bergamot
5 resultaten
Volgens datum (meest recent eerst); auteur(s) (a-z)
Bozova, B., Gölükcü, M., & Giuffrè, A. M. (2024). The effect of different hydrodistillation times on the composition and yield of bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso) peel essential oil and a comparison of the cold‐pressing method. Flavour and Fragrance Journal.
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Xin, Jin, Xu, Xu, Qiaoling, Ding, Liping, Liu, Kunqin, Ma, & Yiping, Zhang (2022). To explore the potential molecular mechanism of complex rose ‐ bergamot essential oil on anti‐anxiety with facial spots based on network pharmacology. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
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Valussi, M., Donelli, D., Firenzuoli, F., & Antonelli, M. (2021). Bergamot Oil: Botany, Production, Pharmacology. Encyclopedia, 1(1), 152–176.
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Geciteerd in 1 Aroma Blog artikelRombolà, L., Amantea, D., Russo, R., Adornetto, A., Berliocchi, L., Tridico, L., Corasaniti, M. T., Sakurada, S., Sakurada, T., Bagetta, G., & Morrone, L. A. (2016). Rational Basis for the Use of Bergamot Essential Oil in Complementary Medicine to Treat Chronic Pain. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 16(9), 721–728.
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Bagetta, G., Berliocchi, L., Rombolà, L., Morrone, L. A., Sakurada, T., Corasaniti, M. T., & Sakurada, S. (2015). Preclinical evidence for rational use of bergamot essential oil in pain trials. Planta Medica, 81(16).
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